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Category: Fitness

Are There Different Kinds of Strength? (I Found Out the Hard Way…)

OK, we know that strength is the fountain of youth. Stronger muscles, stronger bones, increased resistance to dysfunction and disease. (Not to mention a whole slew of other hidden benefits) But here's the problem: There's this idea floating around that there are different kinds of strength. And it seems plausible enough, right? I mean, how else would you explain [...]

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5 Surefire Ways to Improve Workout Performance (Science Backed)

So, you're working out regularly and putting in a ton of effort. That alone puts you way ahead of most folks on the planet. But somewhere at the back of your mind you're thinking: Is there anything I can do to get a bigger bang for my workout buck? Well, you can relax because here are five proven ways to [...]

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7 Awesome Things About Having a Goal That Scares Me

Exactly 4 months ago, I committed to something that scared the hell out of me. (Keep in mind that I suck at running and hadn't jogged more than a handful of miles in over 6 months) Here's what I said: I'm going to enter the Bekkai marathon in October And what seemed so far away back then is now just 23 days [...]

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How to Become a Chin-Up Master

True story: back in 2010, I was in a playground with my kids and tried to knock out a few chin-ups. End result? Two embarrassingly bad "nose-ups" that made me sore for days afterwards. But instead of telling myself "I guess I just suck at chin-ups" and leaving it at that, I decided that I didn't merely want to get good [...]

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I Can’t Believe I’m Committing to This…

I was doing an easy run while on vacation down in Nagoya last week when suddenly, it dawned on me. (Side note - for me, there’s no such thing as an “easy” run, no matter how short or slow it is because I absolutely suck at running) Anyhow, I realized that I've been drifting these past few weeks. [...]

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Why I Don’t Bother Stretching (and You Probably Shouldn’t Either)

Spend any time on the Internet, and you'll read how important stretching is. You'll read how weight training causes muscles to shorten, so they need to be stretched back to their proper length afterwards. You'll read how stretching lengthens muscles, ligaments and tendons. You'll read how we should focus more on flexibility (or "mobility", if we want [...]

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Why You Shouldn’t Feel Intimidated at the Gym

A while back, I coached a guy from overseas while he was in Japan for a few weeks. He had a gym membership back home but he didn't show up consistently and was thinking of canceling. "I don't fit in there," he told me, "That whole 'gym vibe' gets me down." For him, a typical gym workout meant [...]

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