First off, some awesome news: You already have abs. OK, they might be small, they might not be very strong... ...but you have them all the same. How do I know? Because for over 30 years, I thought it was impossible for me to have six-pack abs. (Call it genetics, bad luck or whatever) Well, I [...]
Read MoreOK, I know it sounds crazy but... can have some of your BEST EVER workouts when you're sick. Even though the typical advice about working out with a cold is: • Anything above the neck (e.g. a runny nose) = go light/easy • Anything below the neck (e.g. a hacking cough) = forget it But here's the problem: There are [...]
Read MoreOK, we hear stuff like this all the time: • I’m over 40 and can’t lose weight • My metabolism has slowed right down • Whatever I eat turns to fat So, it sounds like a done deal, right? Middle age = Inevitable weight gain But here's the great news: That's just plain WRONG! (Take it [...]
Read MoreLet's be honest. White rice gets a really bad rap. OK, that's hardly surprising when you take a look at what it contains: • Arsenic (a Group 1 carcinogen) and phytates (anti-nutrients) What it doesn't contain: • Fiber or "any real nutritional value" Let alone what effect it has on your body: • "Unhealthy spikes in blood sugar" Even worse: • It's [...]
Read MoreIf you read Here's what a Year of Unlimited Eating Did to Me..., you'll know that I gained an eye-watering 58lbs between January 2014 and January 2015. That was all part of my n=1 experiment to see how much weight I would put on if I ate unlimited quantities of all the foods I enjoy for a [...]
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