After all, who didn’t dream of living next to a big volcano in a mysterious foreign country when they were a kid?
In a different life I was an automotive engineer – I had prestigious jobs with good companies (whatever that means). But in all honesty, I didn’t fit in the corporate world with all its maneuvering and politics.
I was the proverbial square peg in a round hole. So I quit working for “the man”, got qualified as a personal trainer back in 2007, then moved to Japan two years later. All I can say is that it’s been one heck of a ride :)
I’ve gone from being a lazy slob in my mid-20s, to a skinny-fat martial arts and cycling nut in my 30s (when I had something called “hair”)….
…and I’ve gotten stronger than I ever believed possible (deadlifting 445 lbs at the age of 45)
But this isn’t just about lifting weights and 6-pack abs…
A week before my 46th birthday (when we’re supposed to be “past it” or “over the hill”), I ran my first full marathon.
Even though I absolutely suck at running and had considered a marathon “impossible” since I first saw one on TV when I was 10-years old.
And while my time was a less-than-stellar 4 hours 50 minutes, the whole thing was an absolute blast!
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